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Troop 531 at Camp Geromimo

Every year, Troop 531 goes to a Scout summer camp for a week. This year we went to Camp Geronimo, a camp near Payson.

At Geronimo, the boys take a lot of merit badge classes. Some of these merit badges were metalworking, climbing, archery, kayaking, and environmental science.

Our troop won the Big G Gold award at camp. To get this award we had to do many activities like hiking and a polar bear plung. We also had to pass an inspection every day that made sure our campsite was clean and well maintained.

Our campsite was campsite number 17. This was the place were we slept and hung out. In the campsite the boys shared a tent with a buddy.

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34406 N 27th Dr #198

Phoenix, AZ 85086

Troop Meetings: Monday 7:00pm 

Arrow Of Light welcome 2nd & 3rd Mondays of month

(except holidays)


Tel: 602-456-9050

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